Lundin's Vollgrav South a duster

Lundin's Vollgrav South exploration well 33/12-10 S in production license 631 in the northern North Sea has been plugged and abandoned after it was found to be dry.

The well was drilled about 150km west of Florø, between the Statfjord and Gullfaks fields. The primary and secondary exploration targets for the well were to prove petroleum in reservoir rocks from the Late Jurassic (intra Draupne formation sandstone) and Eocene periods, (Hordaland group), respectively.

Well 33/12-10 S did not encounter a reservoir in the Draupne formation. In the Hordaland group, the well encountered about 35m of very good quality reservoir sandstone, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate said. Neither of the reservoirs showed traces of petroleum. 

This well was the first exploration well in production licence 631, awarded in APA 2011. The well was drilled using the Bredford Dolphin drilling rig in 140m water depth to to 3072m measured depth below the sea surface and was terminated in the Heather formation from the Late Jurassic.

Lundin Norway is the operator and has a 60% working interest in PL631. The partners are Bayerngas 

Norge with a 30% working interest and Fortis Petroleum Norway with a 10% working interest. 

The Bredford Dolphin will now move to the Norwegian Sea to drill wildcat well 6405/12-1 on the Lindarormen prospect in PL 584, where Lundin is also operator.

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