AWE to install subsea wellhead

Australia’s AWE reported that the Pateke-4H development well was at a measured depth of 1507m. A 13 3/8-in casing was ran to the planned depth of 1504m. Preparations are being made to cement the casing and prepare for the installation of the subsea wellhead.

AWE is the operator of the Pateke-4H development well in PMP 38158. Located in the offshore Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, PMP 38158 contains the Tui, Amokura and Pateke fields and has been online since 2007.

Pateke-4H targets a mapped northern extension of the Pateke field, which is currently producing. The well is being drilled in water depth of approximately 124m with a planned total measured depth of 5361m, including a 1272m horizontal section.

If successful, the well will be completed for subsequent tie-back to Tui FPSO Umuroa for production in 2015.

The joint venture partners in PMP 38158 are: AWE Ltd. (via subsidiaries) (operator) 57.5%, New Zealand Oil & Gas (via subsidiaries) 27.5%, Pan Pacific Petroleum (via subsidiaries) 15.0%.

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