CGG offers North Sea PSDM data

CGG announced that it has started the re-imaging of its entire Cornerstone multi-client dataset to create a 35,000sq km contiguous broadband PSDM volume, covering the Central North Sea. The existing conventional north-south, long-offset data will be reprocessed with a deghosting technique to produce an extended-bandwidth dataset as a complement to the growing BroadSeisTM true broadband, east-west coverage. CGG’s unique next-generation, multi-layer tomography, TomoML, will be used to deliver a high-quality PSDM product in an unparalleled timeframe. The process will incorporate CGG’s latest 3D tomographic, shallow-channel inversion, which is already producing excellent results in this area.

CGG’s ongoing campaign to expand its BroadSeis multi-client data coverage will enable customers to capitalize on the subsurface imaging benefits of dual-azimuth Broadband PSDM data. CGG is confident these products will bring new insight for prospect evaluation for several years to come. An early fast-track product will be available late 2013 as part of the planned 2014 delivery of 8,500sq km of PSDM data focused on the high-pressure/high-temperature area of the Central Graben.

Sophie Zurquiyah, senior executive vice president, Geology, Geophysics & Reservoir, CGG, said: “We are committed to providing the highest-quality multi-client library for our clients, incorporating the latest acquisition and subsurface imaging technology.  We believe our clients really value the competitive edge our approach gives them, particularly in challenging, mature basins like the North Sea. This is an exciting new phase of our flagship Cornerstone project and will provide our clients with access to a huge volume of state-of-the-art broadband data, of which approximately 8,500sq km will be, for the first time in the industry, dual-azimuth.” 

Image: Map showing the different phases of CGG’s Cornerstone data library.

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