TGS gathers NE Greenland survey

TGS has started expansion of a 2D multi-client survey off northeast Greenland.The survey, NEG13, will enable customers to prepare for the announced Greenland Licensing Round in 2013/2014. Due to favorable ice conditions, TGS expects to acquire 4,200km of 2D multi-client seismic data.This new data will provide companies with dense data coverage over the licensing area and will be an addition to TGS' data library in the area.

The seismic data is being acquired by the M/V Akademik Shatskiy supported by the ice breaker M/V Viking Balder. A helicopter is being used for ice density monitoring. Data processing will be performed by TGS and data will be available to clients in 1Q 2014. The survey is supported by industry funding.

On December 1, 2011 Greenland’s Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum (BMP) announced the opening of the Greenland Sea Area licensing round. The licensing round consists of two successive rounds. The first round, a pre-round for the Kanumas Consortium members, had its application deadline of December 15, 2012. Eleven blocks were up for bidding in this round. BMP received applications from three bidding groups.

The second round is an Ordinary Round for all interested companies, including non-Kanumas Consortium members. Any company or group of companies may participate without limitations in the Ordinary Round. A company or group of companies applying for an exploration and exploitation license shall however be, or include a pre-qualified operator.

The Greenland Sea area of Licensing Round 2012/13 covers 15 blocks in the Ordinary Round including [block, (sq km)]: 1 (2740), 2 (2260), 3 (2260), 4 (2989), 5 (2554), 7 (1752), 10 (2901), 11(2308), 12 (2569), 13 (2364), 15 (2425), 16 (2948), 17 (2737), 18 (3803), and 19 (3306). The application deadline for the Ordinary Round is October 15, 2013.

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