Eco Atlantic plans Namibian seismic

Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas is planning 3D and 2D seismic campaigns after being granted a one year extension on two exploration licenses offshore Namibia.

The extension to the Guy (2111B & 2211A) and Sharon (2213A & 2213B) licenses, both in the Walvis Basin, will allow the firm more time to carry out 1000sq km of 3D seismic on each of the licenses in 2015, and then drill an exploration well in 2016, before the first renewal period.

Eco is also preparing to carry out 500sq km of 3D seismic on the Cooper license (2012A), also offshore Namibia, later this year, together with partners AziNam and NAMCOR.

Gil Holzman, president and chief executive officer of Eco Atlantic, says: “The recent results of HRT’s Wingat-1 well and the increased activity offshore Namibia, especially in the Walvis Basin, have significantly de-risked the basin for mid-tier and major players to enter. We are confident that the company’s blocks are excellent candidates for future partnerships and farm in activity.”

Eco Atlantic, headquartered in Canada, is an oil and gas exploration company focused on Namibia. It holds five petroleum licenses, issued by the Government of the Republic of Namibia, three offshore and two onshore.

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