OTC 2013 combines star power with fire power

OTC 2012The 45th annual Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston places the spotlight on the latest technological advances plus industry stars such as new head of BP Upstream Lamar McKay and PEMEX’s E&P director Carlos Morales-Gil.

OTC returns to Houston’s Reliant Park complex May 6-9, 2013, and attendees have multiple options to hear keynote speeches by senior oil and gas executives.

Technical breakfasts, scheduled Monday through Thursday, will feature BP’s CEO of Upstream Lamar McKay, NOIA President Randall Luthi, PEMEX’s General Director of Exploration and Production Carlos Morales-Gil, and Anadarko’s Mozambique facilities Project Manager Cory Weinbel. Luncheon speakers will include Saudi Aramco’s Vice President of Petroleum Engineering & Development Khaled Buraik, Semcorp Marine Ltd.’s President and CEO Weng Sun Wong, Shell’s Executive Vice President of Innovation, R&D and CTO Gerald Schotman, and James Watson, the Director of the US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement.

New for this year are applications and solutions on topics such as subsalt geosciences, safety and environmental management systems, unconventional subsea exploration and mining, deepwater HP/HT well construction, fiber optics, marine geohazards, and pore pressure prediction.

OTC draws more than 89,000 participants from 110 countries, and includes 2,500 exhibiting companies annually. This year’s conference has eight panel sessions, feature 29 executive keynote presentations, and make available 300 technical papers.

Other program highlights include discussions on offshore regulations, and the expanding role of national oil companies, which will include a panel featuring executives from Brazil’s Petrobras, Malaysia’s Petronas, and Mexico’s Pemex. Other discussions will focus on the latest developments regarding major projects such as Petrobras’ Gulf of Mexico development, Cascade and Chinook; BPZ Energy’s CX-15 buoyant tower platform off Peru, Husky’s South China Sea deepwater Liwan project, and Woodside’s Pluto Greenfield LNG development.

In addition to its technical program, since 2004, OTC has offered its Spotlight on New Technology Awards (see accompanying article on page 90) recognizing innovative advancements in ocean resources development. Since 2006, OTC played host to the Next Wave program where young professionals under 35 learn about responsibilities and challenges facing the industry in the decades to come.

OTC is sponsored by 12 organizations including the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG); American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE); American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME); American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); ASME International Petroleum Technology Institute (ASME-PD); Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – Oceanic Engineering Society (IEEE-OES); Marine Technology Society (MTS); Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG); Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration Inc. (SME); Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME); Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE); The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS).

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