Woodside Invests in Cyber Security

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Australia's largest independent oil and gas company said it has invested in a Western Australian company specializing in the protection and security of critical infrastructure.

Woodside will take a 10% shareholding in Sapien Cyber, subject to satisfaction of conditions precedent, the company said on Monday.

Sapien Cyber is a 100% Australian-owned technology platform that provides clients unprecedented network visibility, dynamic real-time monitoring and actionable intelligence to dramatically reduce the vulnerability of digital systems to cyber attack. The firm was launched by cyber security research team at Edith Cowan University, commercialized in partnership with Jindalee Partners, and refined in collaboration with Woodside. 

“The sophistication of Sapien Cyber’s technology platform has the potential to deliver a comprehensive and multi-dimensional cyber security solution to protect Woodside’s operating assets,” said Woodside Chief Technology Officer Shaun Gregory, who will join the Sapien Advisory Board as an observer.

Sapien Cyber Chairman John Poynton said criminals, activists and state agents are continually refining the potency of their cyber weapons. “Solutions need to evolve faster than the threats. Our unique approach offers unparalleled, real-time visibility to the client’s network, detecting operational technology cyber threats before they can wreak havoc,” he said.

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