Empyrean Energy to Spud Well in Indonesia

Australia's Empyrean Energy provided an operational update in relation to the upcoming drilling campaign in the Duyung PSC in the West Natuna basin, offshore Indonesia, in which Empyrean holds an 8.5% interest.

The oil and gas development company with interests in China, Indonesia and the United States, said that  campaign will comprise of two wells, an exploration well designed to test the Tambak prospect beneath the central area of the Mako gas field, and an appraisal well designed to primarily appraise the intra-Muda sandstone reservoir in the southern area of the Mako field, as well as gather stratigraphic information from the Lower Gabus interval.

The Indonesian authorities have requested the naming convention Tambak-1 for the exploration & appraisal well and Tambak-2 for the appraisal well. The Asian Endeavour-1 jack up rig, owned by China Oilfield Services Limited (COSL), has been contracted for the drilling campaign.

The Tambak-1 well will appraise the central area of the Mako field and will evaluate the intraMuda sandstone reservoir of the Mako field, which is prognosed at a depth of approximately 385 meters below sea level.

A full suite of wireline logs will be run before the well is deepened to test the Lower Gabus Tambak prospect beneath the base Muda unconformity. The well is expected to be drilled to a total depth (TD) of approximately 1,370 meters sub-sea.

Tambak-2 is designed to evaluate the reservoir properties and deliverability of the intra-Muda sandstones in the southern area of the Mako field.

The intra-Muda sandstone reservoir is prognosed to be encountered at a depth of c. 380 meters below sea level. A full suite of logging and coring is planned across the Mako reservoir and the well is expected to TD at approximately 595 meters below sea level. The expected total time to drill, log, core & evaluate the well is approximately 33 days.

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