Gulf of Mexico: LLOG Finds More Oil at Spruance. Eyes Tieback to EnVen's Platform

Illustration - A Gulf of Mexico platform - Image credit: donvictori0/AdobeStock
Illustration - A Gulf of Mexico platform - Image credit: donvictori0/AdobeStock

U.S. Gulf of Mexico focused oil company LLOG on Monday reported "continued successful drilling results" at its Spruance offshore discovery, as well as the finalization of development plans for the field. 

The Spruance discovery is located in Ewing Bank (“EW”) 877/921 block in the Gulf of Mexico and was initially discovered by LLOG and its partners in mid-2019 via a subsalt exploratory well in 1,600 feet of water.

The EW 877 #1 well was drilled to a total depth of 17,000 feet  [around 5180 meters] and logged approximately 150 net feet of oil pay in multiple high-quality Miocene sands. 

"A second well, EW 921 #1, was drilled from the same surface location as the discovery well to a total depth of 16,600 feet [around 5060 meters] in early October," LLOG said Tuesday.

According to LLOG, the well successfully delineated the main field pays and logged additional oil pay in the exploratory portion of the well, finding a total of over 200 net feet of oil. Both wells are scheduled for completion in 2021, with first oil sales scheduled for early 2022. 

In July 2020, LLOG and its partners signed a production handling agreement (“PHA”) for the processing of Spruance reserves via a 14-mile subsea tieback to the EnVen-operated Lobster platform in EW 873. 

The Lobster platform is located 130 miles south of New Orleans in 775 feet of water. 

Philip LeJeune, President and CEO of LLOG, said, “We are pleased to announce the discovery and subsequent delineation of the Spruance prospect in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. The results of the second well confirmed our understanding of the field’s reserve potential. We are also pleased to have finalized development plans for the field. By utilizing the EnVen-operated Lobster facility, LLOG will be able to efficiently develop Spruance in a cost-effective manner with an efficient cycle-time.” 

LLOG is the operator at Spruance and owns a 22.64% working interest with partners Ridgewood Energy (23.89%), Houston Energy (11.2%), Red Willow (11.15%), EnVen (13.5%), CL&F (6%), and Beacon Asset Holdings (11.61%).

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