Mott MacDonald Developing Concepts for Europe's Largest Green Hydrogen Project

Illustration: Offshore Wind Turbines in the Dutch North Sea - Image by Kruwt, AdobeStock
Illustration: Offshore Wind Turbines in the Dutch North Sea - Image by Kruwt, AdobeStock

UK-based consultancy Mott MacDonald has been appointed as the technical integration and optimization contractor for the NortH2 project, dubbed the largest green hydrogen project in Europe.

The contract was awarded to Mott MacDonald by the NortH2 Consortium, comprising Shell, Gasunie, Groningen Seaports, Equinor and RWE.

A consortium of Gasunie, Groningen Seaports, and Shell last February announced plans to build a massive green hydrogen plant in Groningen. RWE and Equinor joined in December 2020.

Mott MacDonald will develop conceptual designs that will be carried forward to a final investment decision.

NortH2 is working on large-scale green hydrogen production using offshore wind power. The plan is to reach as much as 4 gigawatts of green hydrogen by 2030,  and more than 10 gigawatts of green hydrogen by 2040.  The consortium aims to produce 1 million tons of green hydrogen per year by 2040. This would avoid about 8 to 10 megatonnes of CO2 per year.

As lead technical integration consultant, Mott MacDonald will collate, evaluate and develop the potential technical solutions required to realize the project. The company will also provide cost, scheduling, and risk management services associated with the technical implementation, to provide a clear path to the consortium for investment decisions and further development for the project. 

Ian Clarke, Mott MacDonald’s global sector leader for energy, said: “The development of green hydrogen production projects like this are critical to achieving North-West Europe’s net-zero ambitions and meeting their energy needs. Phase one alone aims to generate 4GW of green offshore energy to produce, store and distribute hydrogen to end consumers such as hard to abate industrial sectors by 2030.”

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