Aker Solutions to Recycle Heimdal and Veslefrikk Offshore Platforms

Credit:Aker Solutions
Credit:Aker Solutions

Norwegian offshore energy engineering and construction services firm Aker Solutions has won a contract with Heerema Marine Contractors to recycle offshore installations from the Heimdal and Veslefrikk fields in Norway.

The firm contract follows a letter of intent signed in March 2021.

Aker Solutions' scope includes reception, dismantling, and recycling of three offshore installations from the Heimdal and Veslefrikk fields. The objective is to recycle about 98 percent of the steel and materials.

Aker Solutions said the contract was a sizeable one meaning it is worth NOK 200 million (~$22,5 million) and NOK 700 million ($78,8 million).

According to info shared back in March, the Heimdal riser platform will be removed in 2024, at the earliest, while the Heimdal main platform and the Veslefrikk A platform will be removed no earlier than in 2025.

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