Deep Wind Offshore, East West Power to Collaborate on Offshore Wind Projects in S. Korea

From left to right Tay Hwan Oh, Managing Director EWP, Sang Kie Cho, Vice president EWP, Yung. Moon Kim, President & CEO EWP. Knut Vassbotn CEO Deep Wind Offshore, Ho Keun Song, Country manager DWO. Dong Hyun Lee, Head of business development DWO - Credit: Deep Wind Offshore
From left to right Tay Hwan Oh, Managing Director EWP, Sang Kie Cho, Vice president EWP, Yung. Moon Kim, President & CEO EWP. Knut Vassbotn CEO Deep Wind Offshore, Ho Keun Song, Country manager DWO. Dong Hyun Lee, Head of business development DWO - Credit: Deep Wind Offshore

Norwegian offshore wind company Deep Wind Offshore has signed an agreement with South Korea's East West Power, to collaborate on projects totalling more than 4GW of floating and bottom fixed offshore wind in South Korea.    

"We are extremely excited to collaborate with EWP on these projects. The complementary capabilities of our companies create a solid foundation for successfully developing the projects to benefit the energy transition in Korea and provide opportunities for the national supply chain and local communities," says CEO Knut Vassbotn in Deep Wind Offshore.  

"Participating in the offshore wind energy sector is the global trend and essential element for the sustainable growth of EWP. Most of all, Korea has a great infrastructure to support the offshore wind project, such as shipbuilding, steel industry etc and this outstanding technology will make the project more stable and feasible. We will collaborate together with Deep Wind Offshore for the promotion of domestic wind power growth and industrial base and an opportunity for win-win development with local society, says Young-Moon Kim, CEO of EWP

Deep Wind Offshore, formed last year, describes itsefl as a developer and owner of offshore wind projects globally. The company's Korean branch has offices in three locations around the peninsula, and is solely focused on offshore wind development.    

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