Jiangsu Strong Wind Shipyard Delivers ABS-classed Floating Production Unit

Credit: ABS
Credit: ABS

A floating production unit constructed by Jiangsu Strong Wind Shipyard (JSSW) to ABS Class has been delivered.

The TRUNOJOYO 01 FPU is on charter to Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) from owner PT Timas Oceanstar Indonesia (TOI) and will be towed from China to Indonesia for hook-up and installation at the Madura Block.

“As the world leader in floating production classification, ABS is proud to be able to use that extensive experience to support this important project. The entire asset, including the topside, was designed and constructed to ABS Class with an emphasis on safety and efficient operations,” said Matt Tremblay, ABS Vice President, Global Offshore.

"Strong Wind is a company specializing in offshore engineering and offshore wind power equipment. With its core culture of integrity, sharing, craftsmanship, and drive to grow, Strong Wind provides a solid guarantee for the project to have zero defects with excellent quality to be delivered on schedule," said Strong Wind Commercial Manager Xiao-Ming Xu.

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