AIP for C-Claw Fastener for Marine and Offshore

BV delivers an Approval in Principle to C-Claw, a non-intrusive mechanical fastener for marine and offshore steel structures. Image courtesy COLD PAD
BV delivers an Approval in Principle to C-Claw, a non-intrusive mechanical fastener for marine and offshore steel structures. Image courtesy COLD PAD

Bureau Veritas delivered an Approval in Principle to COLD PAD, an industrial start-up, for its C-Claw technology, a heavy-duty fastener for steel structures that is non-intrusive (no hole and no hot work is required). It was designed as an alternative to welding and drilling for the maritime and offshore sectors. The technology offers a quick fastening solution for any structural outfitting, maintenance and modification operations, including works on cable trays, pipe supports, skids, handrails, or ladders.

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