Malaysia's MMHE Wins $321,3M Contract for Wellhead Platforms and Pipelines in MTJDA

Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd (MMHE) has secured a contract from Carigali-PTTEPI Operating Company Sdn Bhd (CPOC) to build and install five platforms and pipelines, and for host tie-in works in the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area (MTJDA).

The EPCI contract is for the Joint Development Area (JDA) Field Development Project (Phase 6) located in the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area (MTJDA). The contract is worth around RM 1.4 billion (~$321,28 million)

The contract scope of work involves the construction of five wellhead platforms weighing an average of 2,000-metric tonne (MT), namely ADC, ADD, ADE, JKC and JKD, as well as associated subsea pipelines and telecommunication upgrades. 

Once completed, the platforms will be installed in a water depth ranging between 55m and 65m, in the area under B-17-01 of south of the Gulf of Thailand, off the coast of Thailand and Malaysia.

The platforms to be delivered are ADC: Andalas-C Wellhead Platform; ADD: Andalas-D Wellhead Platform; ADE: Andalas-E Wellhead Platform; JKC: JENGKA-C Wellhead Platform; JKD: JENGKA-D Wellhead Platform

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