Shell Greenlights Development of Dover Offshore Oil Field in U.S. Gulf of Mexico

Appomattox platform ©Shell
Appomattox platform ©Shell

Oil major Shell has sanctioned the development of the Dover offshore oil field in the Gulf of Mexico.

Shell plans to develop the Dover project as a subsea tieback to the Shell-operated Appomattox offshore production platform, with two production wells produced through a 17.5-mile flowline and riser.

The Dover field is expected to start production in late 2024-early 2025 and produce up to 21,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) at peak rates.

"Shell is a pioneer in the Norphlet reservoir with Appomattox, and we are building on our leading position in the reservoir with Dover," said Paul Goodfellow, Shell's Executive Vice President for Deepwater. "Last year, we took FID on Rydberg, another subsea tieback to Appomattox, and Dover gives us an opportunity to add to our base in this prolific basin."

Shell said that the investment at Dover underscored its long-term commitment to the US Gulf of Mexico, "where production has among the lowest greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity in the world for producing oil."

Originally discovered in 2018, Dover is located within Mississippi Canyon, approximately 170 miles offshore southeast of New Orleans, Louisiana in about 7,500 feet of water.

Shell did not share info on how much it will cost to develop the Dover project.

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