Novel Design for Floating Offshore Wind Approved by ABS

Rendering of the ECO TLP floating offshore wind turbine support structure (Courtesy of ECO TLP and MOcean Offshore)
Rendering of the ECO TLP floating offshore wind turbine support structure (Courtesy of ECO TLP and MOcean Offshore)

ABS issued an approval in principle (AIP) to ECO TLP and MOCEAN-Offshore BV for a floating offshore wind turbine support structure.

The unique design from ECO TLP utilizes slip-formed cylindrical concrete hulls and gravity anchors, which, when combined with a tension-leg mooring system, has a smaller footprint than traditional structures using steel column-stabilized hulls.

“Offshore floating wind will play a key role in the global energy transition by expanding the reach of renewable generating capacity to waters that are too deep for fixed-bottom wind projects. ABS is proud to support innovative companies like ECO TLP Inc. who are designing structures that address and solve challenges related to offshore wind’s manufacture, installation and cost,” said Miguel Hernandez, ABS Senior Vice President, Global Offshore.

“ECO TLP simplifies the 250-meter to 2,000-meter floating wind installation process. Looking at both capital and operational expenses, we are an extremely low-cost solution, incorporating available, non-proprietary components and standard local labor support across the globe,” said Nicole Johnson Murphy, CEO, ECO TLP Inc.

The project is now with ABS for the next phase, front end engineering design (FEED).

Left to right: Patricia De Almeida, ABS Director, Offshore Business Development; Miguel Hernandez, ABS Senior Vice President, Global Offshore; Jelte Kymmell, Founder MOcean Offshore and Chief Technology Officer of ECO TLP Inc.; Nicole Murphy, CEO, ECO TLP Inc.; and Anner Haenen, Lead Engineer Floating Wind at MOcean Offshore (Photo: ABS)

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