PGS Wins 4D Survey Contract Offshore West Africa

Credit: PGS
Credit: PGS

The Norwegian marine seismic survey services firm PGS said Thursday it had secured a 4D survey contract with an undisclosed client offshore West Africa.

Mobilization is scheduled for Q4, and the contract has a total duration of approximately 60 days. 

"We experience continued high activity in our core West African markets and are very pleased with this contract award. Our Ramform acquisition platform, in combination with multi-sensor GeoStreamer technology, will provide the client with high-quality 4D seismic data," says President & CEO in PGS, Rune Olav Pedersen

PGS announces contract awards and MultiClient projects as stock exchange releases if the contract has a value of $10 million or more, MultiClient projects with a duration of 2 months or more, and strategically important contracts. 

The West Africa contract was included in the PGS Q3 2023 order book.

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