Semco Maritime Secures 10-Year Offshore Wind Service Contract at North Sea Wind Farm

Credit: Semco Maritrime
Credit: Semco Maritrime

Danish offshore energy industry service provider Semco Maritime has been awarded a balance-of-plant service contract covering operations and
maintenance on the offshore wind farm Butendiek located in the North Sea around 32 kilometers from the Island of Sylt near the German-Danish border.

The offshore wind farm has been operational since 2015 and comprises 80 Siemens 3.6 MW wind turbines for a total capacity of 288 MW supplying around 370,000 households with renewable energy. 

Semco Maritime has entered into a 10-year agreement from January 1, 2024, with Siemens Gamesa holding the contract and full turbine maintenance and offshore logistics responsibility towards OWP Butendiek GmbH & Co. KG. 

Semco Maritime is responsible for balance-of-plant service workstreams, including scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and inspections above water on the offshore substation and its foundation as well as the 80 wind turbine generator foundations.

“We are excited to leverage our offshore experience and partner with Siemens Gamesa on our first 10-year service contract for offshore wind operations and maintenance at Butendiek. This is another important milestone in our efforts to boost Semco Maritime’s service business in the renewables space, and we are looking forward to cooperating closely with the client and all involved parties,” says Senior Vice President,
Renewables, Semco Maritime, Jacob Øbo Sørensen.

Project operations will mainly take place from Havneby on the Danish island of Rømø.

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