Equinor Contracts Ocean Installer for Gas Field Work Offshore Norway

(Credit: Ocean Installer)
(Credit: Ocean Installer)

Ocean Installer has secured a new Subsea Line Modification (SLM) project award from Equinor on Åsgard A floating storage and offloading vessel (FPSO), located in the central part of the Norwegian Sea.

The scope of work on Åsgard A covers recovery of two risers, installation of one new riser and flexible jumper and engineering, procurement, and installation of GRP Covers to protect the jumper.

Offshore operations are scheduled for fall 2024, according to Ocean Installer.

In July 2023 Ocean Installer was awarded SLM Projects on Vigdis, Visund, Åsgard C and a morgrip connection on the new Northern Light CO2 pipeline.

The Åsgard A Project was won in a new competitive tender and will now be added to this project portfolio and integrated under the existing project team and executed in continuation with the other work.

“I’m very pleased to see that Equinor is adding more work to our SLM portfolio and their continued trust in us for executing these highly complex offshore operations.

“Integrating this project under the existing project team ensures continuity both onshore and offshore, maximizing the synergies for both Ocean Installer and Equinor.

“The short time for engineering and procurement, from contract award to offshore execution this fall, is a testimony to the competence in our organization and close collaboration with Equinor,” said Ocean Installer’s CEO Kevin Murphy.

Åsgard was discovered in 1981, and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 1996.

The Åsgard field includes the accumulations Smørbukk, Smørbukk Sør, Midgard and Blåbjørn. The field has been developed with subsea wells tied-back to a production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO), Åsgard A.

The development also includes Åsgard B, a floating, semi-submersible facility for gas and condensate processing. The gas centre is connected to a storage vessel for condensate, Åsgard C. The production started in 1999.

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