TGS Kicks Off Seismic Survey in Indonesia

(Credit: TGS)
(Credit: TGS)

Norwegian seismic company TGS has started a new seismic acquisition project offshore Seram in Indonesia.

The project will cover over 1,800 kilometers of new 2D seismic data across the southeastern part of the basin, using a 12 km long offset streamer.

This marks the fifth seismic survey TGS has conducted in Indonesia this year.

Supported by industry funding, the project will leverage advanced processing techniques such as broadband Pre-Stack Time Migration (PSTM), Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PSDM), and 24 Hz Full Wave Inversion (FWI) to achieve high-quality imaging and detailed subsurface insights.

"Our latest seismic acquisition in Indonesia highlights TGS's dedication to delivering exceptional subsurface imaging and fostering strong partnerships with key stakeholders in the region.

“In the Seram basin, we are focused on using high-quality acquisition and processing methods to improve imaging below the shallow carbonates in the Seram thrust belt, where there are clear indications of active petroleum systems," said Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS.

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