RWE Gets Long-Term Lease to Set Up O&M Base for Polish Offshore Wind Farm

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© 3plusx / Adobe Stock

RWE and the Ustka Port Authority have signed a land lease agreement for the construction of an operations and maintenance base for the FEW Baltic II offshore wind farm in Poland.

The base is one of the key elements in the realization and subsequent operation of the planned 350 MW offshore wind farm, and will have a service life of at least 30 years.

RWE will locate the operations and maintenance facilities for the FEW. Baltic II project at the Western Quay at the port in Ustka.

The main rationale for choosing Ustka is its extensive port infrastructure, the possibility of crew transfer vessel repair and refueling vessels for regular operations and social facilities for employees.

Another key factor in the choice of this site was the distance from the port to the FEW. Baltic II wind farm. This project is located some 50 km offshore in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea, north of the town of Ustka, and covers an area of approx. 41 km2.

The Implementation of the project is on schedule with commercial operation expected by the end of this decade. The FEW. Baltic II wind farm is at an advanced stage of preparation, pending further decisions and administrative approvals.

The start of construction for the O&M base is planned after 2025.

“Securing the land for the operation and maintenance base is another important step in the realisation of our first wind farm off Poland’s Baltic coast.

“We plan to use the service base for the monitoring and day-to-day operation of our FEW Baltic II offshore wind farm. By establishing the base at the Port of Ustka, RWE will be able to create up to 50 new jobs for the local community,” said Lukas Prietz, Project Director of the F.E.W. Baltic II wind farm at RWE.

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