Latest News - page 2699


Containment capability in the cross-hairs

Dec 31, 2010

Post-Macondo efforts to improve well containment capabilities on both sides of the Atlantic moved into higher gear last month.In the US it was confirmed that Technip will handle front- end engineering and design of a proposed subsea well containment…

Asgard's case for subsea gas compression

Dec 31, 2010

With a Norwegian sector breakthrough in the area of subsea gas compression very much on the cards for the next year or two, Statoil last month reaffirmed the case for compression in the Åsgard area while one the key vendors targeting this technology…

Water jetting at the cutting edge

Dec 31, 2010

Water jetting is now a well-established subsea approach and the technology has evolved significantly in the 30 years since the first mass-flow excavation (MFE) tool reached the market. David Morgan looks at the latest such development: the Marin Group Evo Claycutting system…

Lighter topsides - the what, why and how

Dec 31, 2010

Offshore topsides must be light enough to be economical, yet big and robust to contain all the drilling and production equipment needed to develop the field. Alliance Engineering’s Norb Roobaert argues that there is no need to compromise safety…

Asia Pacific in the FLNG driving seat

Dec 31, 2010

LNG business took a hit last year as the economic downturn put the brakes on global natural gas demand just as US shale gas output started to surge. Infield Systems’ Peter Kiernan reviews the changing gas market fundamentals and assesses the…

The ABCD of smarter spar drilling

Dec 31, 2010

A configuration change-up on traditional spars could spell out some relief in wind load, drop the unit’s center of gravity, slim down the hull, and cut the amount of tripping time needed for drilling operations from a spar. OE’s Jennifer Pallanich…

Upstream capex ready for rebound

Nov 01, 2010

Global upstream capital spending should rebound this year, according to IHS Herold director Nicholas Cacchione, author of the research firm’s 2010 Global Upstream Performance Review, released last month. ‘In North America, E&P investment increased 30% in the first half of 2010…

To be a player you have to join the game

Nov 01, 2010

It is perhaps the biggest social and economic challenge of the world today: how will China acquire sufficient energy resources, of oil and perhaps even more important, natural gas, over the next several decades? China’s energy makeup is still quite primitive: 70% of China’s energy comes from coal…

Tidying up on Trym

Nov 01, 2010

Aker Solutions has started a six-month integrated operations pilot with Danish operator Dong on the Trym field, an industry briefing in London heard recently. Meg Chesshyre reviews the status of this and other developments on the Aker technology horizon…

Sensing change subsea

Nov 01, 2010

With future subsea applications expected to employ a wider range of optoelectronic technologies, FMC has established a dedicated R&D group that focuses on building and expanding a wide range of integrated sensing solutions. Daniel McStay explains why…

Rising to the subsea challenge

Nov 01, 2010

With the increased complexity of today’s subsea production systems giving mooring solutions providers much to think about, Viking Moorings chief executive Wolfgang Wandl discusses how his company is rising to the challenge.The global mooring…

Ocean energy prototypes proliferate

Nov 01, 2010

The ocean energy industry is still at a nascent stage, but burgeoning support in a few key markets, diverse resource potential and maturing technology are boosting the industry’s prospects for growth. That’s the verdict of a new IHS emerging energy research market study…

New drilling regs challenge, and sometimes confound

Nov 01, 2010

The US lifted the six-month moratorium on deepwater exploration in October, while codifying new rules governing drilling safety and well control. Russell McCulley looks at what the new regulations could mean for oil & gas companies doing business in the Gulf of Mexico…

Networking news

Nov 01, 2010

There were echoes of the UK’s Dragon’s Den and its US reality TV brethren Shark Tank when the great and the good of the private equity world gathered in Aberdeen last month to sample the wares of would-be oil & gas sector high fliers.The occasion…

Macondo the unfolding aftermath

Nov 01, 2010

In his think piece for OE’s July issue, consultant Ian Fitzsimmons drew parallels between the Deepwater Horizon tragedy and the earlier Titanic, Ixtoc-1, Piper Alpha, Comet and Challenger disasters in terms of their presumed design infallibility…

Current News

Merger: Hendrik Veder Group (HVG) and Dutch Steel Fabricators (DSF)

Merger: Hendrik Veder Group (H

Woodside Drops Farm-In Plans for Namibia’s Orange Basin Block

Woodside Drops Farm-In Plans f

ExxonMobil, Woodside Take FID for $221M Gas Project Off Australia

ExxonMobil, Woodside Take FID

Koil Energy to Deliver Subsea Equipment for US Oil Project

Koil Energy to Deliver Subsea

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