Latest News - page 2713


Deep gas search

Dec 15, 2009

Historically, the Middle East play has been an onshore story, with one notable exception: the South Pars/North Field offshore Iran and Qatar. That looks to be a changing trend as operators pursue the offshore gas potential. Jennifer Pallanich reports…

Ensuring safe landings in hostile environments

Dec 15, 2009

Landing a helicopter on a fixed platform can be testing at the best of times, but landing on a floating vessel with changing vessel motion and significant weather variations throughout the day quite another matter. Fugro’s Anthony Gaffney discusses…

Graha jumps to it with jackups

Dec 15, 2009

Earlier this year, Indonesia’s Graha yard launched its first newbuild jackup rigs. Jennifer Pallanich talks to owner Drydocks World about the the yard’s journey so far and its plans for the future.Drydocks World bought Labroy Marine’s Graha facility on Indonesia’s Batam Island in early 2008…

ION presents a Chinese puzzle

Dec 15, 2009

Major players in the marine seismic market are playing it cool, but there must be some apprehension about the impact of recent moves by the Chinese contractor BGP. Andrew McBarnet reviews the plot so far.The Houdini act performed by ION…

Jackup operators hope for a recovery with legs

Dec 15, 2009

The recent building boom in jackups will peak in 2010, with more than two dozen new rigs, many without contracts, scheduled to enter a market still trying to dig out from under a global recession. But hopes abound that the market will be able…

Montara inquest

Dec 15, 2009

The monetary and environmental cost of the 72-day Montara field oil leak which culminated in a devastating two-day platform fire in the Timor Sea has yet to be determined, but the Australian Government has been quick to establish a Commission…

Pars part and parcel

Dec 15, 2009

The South Pars gas field, located in the Persian Gulf between Iran and Qatar, is one of the largest independent gas reservoirs in the world. The estimated 14tcm of gas and 18 billion barrels of gas condensates on the Iranian part of the field…

Patience pays in Central America

Dec 15, 2009

Border disputes, political upheaval and environmental concerns have helped keep offshore E&P in Central America mostly at bay. But activities offshore Nicaragua could signal a change in direction for some countries in the region. Russell McCulley reports…

Poised on the crest of a Cascade-Chinook wave

Dec 15, 2009

Scheduled to arrive in US waters in January, the BW Pioneer will become the first FPSO to operate in the US Gulf of Mexico when it goes into service on Cascade-Chinook, Petrobras America’s first development in the region. It will also extend the FPSO operational water depth record to 8200ft…

Current News

DOF Hooks FPSO Installation Job Off Africa

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Brava Energia, Shell Agree Oil Sale from Atlanta Field

Brava Energia, Shell Agree Oil

OKEA Takes Stake in Aker BP-Operated Tverrdal Prospect in North Sea

OKEA Takes Stake in Aker BP-Op

First Foundations for 1.6GW German Offshore Wind Project Reach Dutch Port

First Foundations for 1.6GW Ge

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