Shell-operated joint venture, consisting of Deltic Energy and Dana Petroleum, has confirmed gas discovery in the Selene prospect in the North Sea.The Shell operated 48/8b-3Z well, in license P2437, proved a 160-meter-thick section of Leman Sandstone…
AIM-listed natural resources investing company Deltic Energy has withdrawn from the Shell-operated license in the Southern North Sea due to the inability to secure a farm-out or an alternative funding solution for its commitments related to the Pensacola appraisal well…
Shell, the operator of Pensacola discovery in the North Sea, has granted short period of additional time to partner Deltic Energy to secure funding associated with its share of costs for an appraisal well.In its capacity as Licence Operator of P2252…
Esgian highlights several new contracts in its Week 39 Rig Analytics Market Roundup.Report SummaryContractsMarket sources indicate that ADNOC has exercised an extension option for the 350-ft jackup drilling rig Aryabhatt 1 in Abu Dhabi.Petrobras…
Valaris’ jack-up rig Valaris 123 has been mobilized and is en route to drill the Selene exploration well in the Southern North Sea in Shell-operated license.The Valaris 123 drilling unit was mobilized on July 21 from its current location in the Central North Sea…
The drilling operations on the Selene exploration well in the Southern North Sea have begun with Valaris 123 rig.Shell, as the operator of the license P2437, has informed the drilling of the well 48/8b-3 has started using Valari’s Valaris 123 drilling rig…
Esgian provides an update on rig activity and discoveries in its Week 28 Rig Analytics Market Roundup.Report SummaryDrilling Activity and DiscoveriesThe Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has given Equinor consent for exploration drilling in blocks 32/4 and 32/7 in the North Sea…
Esgian provides an update on Noble and Diamond Offshore’s announcement of merger plans in its Week 24 Rig Analytics Market Roundup.Report SummaryContractsADES has completed the signing of a drilling contract for a jackup with Suez Oil Company (SUCO) in Egypt…
Deltic Energy has completed the farm-out of its 25% interest in the Shell-operated North Sea license containing the Selene Prospect to Dana Petroleum.Deltic Energy received the required regulatory and partner consents in respect of the farm-out of a 25% interest in License P2437 to Dana Petroleum…
Esgian provides an update on semisub activities in Norway and Australia in its Week 23 Rig Analytics Market Roundup.Report SummaryContractsTransocean has announced contract fixtures for three harsh environment (HE) semisubmersibles. Together…
Esgian reports another busy week filled with a variety of updates, including new offshore acreage offered in the UK, Norway and Nigeria, in its Week 19 Rig Analytics Market Roundup.Report SummaryContractsADES Holding Company has received a direct…
Deltic Energy has entered into an agreement with Dana Petroleum for the farm-out of its 25% interest in Shell-operated license containing the Selene Prospect in the North Sea.The transaction, in combination with the existing Shell UK carry,…
Shell has confirmed that a rig contract has been signed with Valaris for the drilling of both the Selene exploration well and the Pensacola appraisal well in the North Sea, expected to start in summer 2024.The two wells will be drilled using the Valaris 123…
The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) has offered further 31 exploration licenses in the latest phase of the U.K.'s 33rd oil and gas licensing round.A total of 82 offers to 50 companies have now been made in the round which attracted 115 bids from 76 companies across 257 blocks and part-blocks…
Esgian reports an eventful week with contract confirmations, terminations and suspensions in its Week 18 Rig Analytics Market Roundup.Report SummaryContractsBurullus Gas Company, the self-operated joint venture between Shell Egypt, the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS)…