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Hydraulic oil shows Arctic promise

Oct 12, 2012

Recent tests on Mobil Industrial Lubricants’ Arctic performance hydraulic oil have reportedly shown that it can help reduce hydraulic system energy consumption by up to 6.2%, when compared with standard mineral hydraulic oils. Given pride of…

Why Russia toys with new partnerships

Oct 11, 2012

As the tension between Israel and Iran ratchets up, an interesting sub-text has developed over the role of Iran’s traditional backer, Russia. While many Western observers continue to raise the spectre of a ‘wider Middle East conflagration’, and one that could drag in Russia…

Caring chemicals

Sep 12, 2012

Baker Hughes has expanded its SmartCare line of products to include what the company describes as ‘more environmentally responsible’ drilling and completion fluids, production chemicals and additives used in cementing and stimulation procedures…

Airlines seek oil & gas travel edge

Sep 01, 2012

Germany's Lufthansa continues to beef up its international oil & gas routes with the launch of Airbus A380 service between Houston and the company's Frankfurt hub. Russell McCulley was invited along for the inaugural flight.Lufthansa flight 440 departed Frankfurt Airport 1 August…

Sailing close to the wind

Sep 01, 2012

A prediction of an oil price slump in less than a decade prompts Andrew McBarnet to onder on the prevailing wind currently favouring the marine seismic business.Possibly the most provocative oil industry analysis to surface in the last few months emanates from the portals of academia…

Marching to the wrong tune

Aug 17, 2012

During the last week of June in the US, anything that wasn’t ‘Obamacare’ didn’t get much news coverage. With that in mind, one had to wonder why ‘36 citizen organizations with more than 1.1 million combined members’ chose 27 June to release…

Must Have Map

Aug 17, 2012

Oil and gas field developments up to 2017 in the dynamic Norwegian, Barents and Baltic Sea areas are captured in a new mapping product from Infield Systems. To be launched with free distribution from the Infield stand (J-1060) during Stavanger’s ONS show 28-31 August…

North West European Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Activity

Aug 17, 2012

Against a background of continuing financial uncertainty the oil price remains reasonably high, as does the level of activity in the North Sea, particularly in Norway with the planned development of the substantial Johan Sverdrup find. Reserves estimated at 1…

Raising the heavylift stakes

Aug 01, 2012

Rotterdam-based Jumbo is boosting the capacity of its heavylift fleet with orders for two K-3000 vessels which, as the name implies, offer a tandem lift capacity of 3000te. The in-house designed K-3000 vessels are being built at the Brodosplit shipyard at Split in Croatia…

Building a tour de force

Aug 01, 2012

CGGVeritas marine seismic operations have undergone a major modernisation programme and the introduction of new technology. Andrew McBarnet reviews progress.Something of a Gallic flourish can be detected about the CGGVeritas multi-client survey in the Keathley Canyon area of the US Gulf of Mexico…

Open markets key to stability

Jul 01, 2012

Open markets can be a powerful ally for a world seeking to manage short-term disruptions to energy supply and meet long-term demand, BP group chief executive Bob Dudley declared at the June launch of the BP Statistical Review of World Energy…

US exploration spending, reserves rebound

Jul 01, 2012

The US oil & gas industry grew across several categories in 2011, including a 38% increase in exploration and development spending, according to new analysis from Ernst & Young. Russell McCulley reports.While total capital expenditures among…

Subsea tiebacks struggle from Macondo's grip

Jun 01, 2012

OE's latest review of deepwater subsea tieback projects ongoing in the Gulf of Mexico shows the region is still suffering from the after-effects of the drilling moratorium that followed in the April 2010 Macondo disaster's wake. Jennifer Pallanich…

Oil & gas spending set for record highs

Jun 01, 2012

Total spending for upstream oil & gas will hit nearly $1.3 trillion this year, led by a robust North American market, according to a new report by IHS.Driven by strong oil prices and the North American unconventional gas boom, global upstream…

Soaring oil price flags China’s path

May 01, 2012

The reigning and the emerging superpower are marching to their own beats, both of them in the process of long impact government elections and transitions. How the two countries handle themselves will affect the lives of millions, many beyond their borders…

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