Oil And Gas News


Woodside Makes FID in Trion Development, Mexico

Jun 20, 2023

Woodside has made a final investment decision to develop the large, high-quality Trion resource in Mexico. First oil is targeted for 2028.Woodside is operator with a 60% participating interest and PEMEX holds the remaining 40%.The forecast total capital expenditure is US$7…

Incoming Shell Boss Aims Fire up Renewables Drive

Sep 22, 2022

Shell's incoming Chief Executive Wael Sawan is set to accelerate the group's drive to build its renewable energy business, including through a possible 'transformative' clean power acquisition, company and industry sources said.Sawan will from…

A Petoro Perspective of Today’s Upstream Challenges

Jun 16, 2022

With a third of Norway’s oil and gas on its books, state-owned Petoro has a unique perspective, from the macro right down to drainage strategies.Today, Petoro VP Licence and technology Kjell Morisbak Lund sees that the industry has many difficult challenges…

Wasted Gas: As Global Supplies Tighten, Here’s 210 bcm of Natural Gas for the Taking – IEA Report

Jun 15, 2022

A new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that if there was a concerted, global effort to eliminate unnecessary flaring and control leaks across the supply chain, nearly 210 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas could be made available to gas markets…

Equinor Finds New Oil Near North Sea Fram Field

Jan 07, 2022

Equinor and partner Wellesley report discovering oil in the Troll and Fram area in exploration wells 35/10-7 S and 35/10-7 A in the Toppand prospect. Preliminary calculations of the expected size indicate between 3.3 and 5.2 million standard cubic meters of recoverable oil equivalent…

Odfjell’s WindGrid Floating Wind System Passes Milestone, Aims to Help O&G cut Emissions

Jun 21, 2021

DNV completed a concept verification review of Odfjell Oceanwind’s WindGrid (WindGrid) system for Mobile Offshore Wind Units (MOWUs). DNV’s review confirms the technical feasibility of the WindGrid system, and that expected reductions in CO2…

Current News

Equinor Starts Damage Control Ops Following Sleipner B Outage

Equinor Starts Damage Control

Oil Firm Hires DOF Group’s PSV for Work Offshore Australia

Oil Firm Hires DOF Group’s PSV

MOL Inks Charter for Singapore’s First FSRU with Singapore LNG Corp

MOL Inks Charter for Singapore

Stonepeak Buys 50% Share of Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind from Dominion Energy

Stonepeak Buys 50% Share of Co

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