Offshore Europe News - page 831


Flowline installed

Feb 10, 2012

Mooring Systems’ 150t spooler for the BP Valhall flowline.Aberdeen-based Moorings Systems has completed the installation of a flexible export flowline to transfer water to a DP tanker at the BP Valhall platform complex in the Norwegian North Sea…

Maxing operational performance and safety

Feb 10, 2012

Marine technology developer Kongsberg Maritime is leading a new research project called ‘Situation Awareness and Decision Support Tools for demanding marine operations’ (SITAWARE), which kicked off on 2 February. Part-funded by the Norwegian…

Oselvar I-spool

Feb 10, 2012

Serimax recently fabricated, field joint coated and hydrotested an 85m pipe-in-pipe I-spool on behalf of Technip for Dong Energy’s Oselvar field in the Norwegian North Sea. The I-spool comprises a 10in Super Duplex pipe, insulated along its length…

Reservoir optimization under uncertainty

Feb 10, 2012

Norway’s SPT Group is hailing the next-generation release of its reservoir flow model optimization solution, the newly launched MEPO4, as the industry’s first model for rigorous optimization under uncertainty.Removing uncertainty is not possible…

Fire water deluge focus

Feb 01, 2012

Since it began addressing safety critical fire water deluge system integrity issues a year ago, Paradigm Flow Solutions has rapidly expanded its provision in this area. The company is now working on life-of-field solutions with two North Sea operators…

DECC and Macondo – time for change

Feb 01, 2012

The Deepwater Horizon went to its grave on 22 April 2010 taking eleven men with her. In the two years since, the disaster has been investigated and reviewed by several august panels and consultants in the US at the behest of the Obama administration…

UK offshore spend remains robust

Feb 01, 2012

Building on a record high set in 2011, upstream oil & gas spending in the UK will continue at robust levels in 2012 and beyond, according to research consulting company Wood Mackenzie. In the firm’s annual analysis of the previous year’s UK upstream spending and outlook for the coming months…

Aker Solutions

Jan 10, 2012

Aker Solutions plans to establish a large engineering office in Tromsø as part of the company’s strategy to increase its footprint in the northern regions of Norway. The company is already building up a subsea service base in Hammerfest to support the Goliat subsea field development…

Aquaterra Energy

Jan 10, 2012

Aquaterra Energy has opened an office in Cambridge, UK, to develop the riser analysis service the firm has been offering from its Norwich HQ since its inception in 2005. Senior analyst Dr Andrew Lennon heads up the new Cambridge facility.


Jan 10, 2012

French marine services provider Bourbon has established an new affiliate operation, Bourbon Baltic, in Saint Petersburg to optimize vessel crew recruitment. It is looking to recruit experienced Russian seafarers for its vessels serving the marine and offshore sectors worldwide.

Litre Meter

Jan 10, 2012

UK custom flowmeter manufacturer Litre Meter has become part of the US Tasi Group of companies, whose other interests in the flow and control sector include AW Lake, Kem and Tricor.

Reservoir Group

Jan 10, 2012

Reservoir Group has acquired Mudlogging Services, the US-based developer and supplier of the MLogger series of gas detection systems. Reservoir Group also recently strengthened its completion and production services portfolio with the acquisition…


Jan 10, 2012

Classification society RINA expects its recent move to take control of Italian engineering consultancy D’Appolonia to boost group turnover by almost 50% and significantly strengthen its expertise and range of services in the offshore and port development fields…

Safetec Nordic

Jan 10, 2012

An ABS affiliate has entered into an agreement to acquire risk and asset management specialist Safetec Nordic, whose programs and services are expected to strengthen and expand those of ABS Consulting. ‘The integration of Safetec is directly…

Slick Innovation

Jan 10, 2012

The European Chapter of the Intervention & Coiled Tubing Association (ICoTA) recently presented is Innovation Award to Schlumberger Slickline’s global perforating and remedial services domain champion, Matthew Billingham, in recognition…

Current News

Merger: Hendrik Veder Group (HVG) and Dutch Steel Fabricators (DSF)

Merger: Hendrik Veder Group (H

Woodside Drops Farm-In Plans for Namibia’s Orange Basin Block

Woodside Drops Farm-In Plans f

ExxonMobil, Woodside Take FID for $221M Gas Project Off Australia

ExxonMobil, Woodside Take FID

Koil Energy to Deliver Subsea Equipment for US Oil Project

Koil Energy to Deliver Subsea

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