FMC Technologies, Inc. has signed an agreement with Statoil for the manufacture and supply of a workover system (WOS) to be installed on the Snorre B platform. The award has an approximate value of US$114 million. The new WOS will replace…
Preparations for Europe’s leading annual subsea conference and exhibition are well underway with up to 5000 delegates expected to attend from across the globe, reaffirming the world-leading status of the British subsea supply chain. Subsea…
Malaysia-based international offshore oilfield services provider, Bumi Armada Berhad has signed a bareboat charter contract with EnQuest for a floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) to be deployed at the Kraken field in the UK North Sea…
Astrakhan’s Krasnye Barrikady shipyard has started constructing the living quarter platform (LQP-2) for the second stage of Vladimir Filanovsky field developed by LUKOIL in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea. The shipyard will construct two bearing blocks…
Wood Group ODL has won a five year, multi-million pound contract to provide document control and information management services to BP's North Sea business. The contract was awarded through a competitive tender process and is effective January 2014…
A semisubmersible drilling rig under construction at a yard in Korea is resting on the seabed after water entered the pontoon hull and the unit sank. The rig, Deepsea Aberdeen, is being built for Odfjell Drilling at the Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) yard in Korea…
A consortium led by Chevron has been awarded exploration licenses covering two blocks offshore north-east Greenland. Consortia led by Statoil and ENI were also awarded licenses, covering one block each, also off north-eastern Greendland…
Magnolia LNG, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Australia’s Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (LNGL) recently announced two advancements in the development of its 8mtpa-capacity, mid-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility. Magnolia announced Dec…
Lime Petroleum PLC subsidiary Masirah Oil Limited has halted drilling in exploration well Masirah North North #1 (MNN #1) for safety reasons. MNN #1 was drilled to a depth of approximately 1000m before mud losses in two carbonate sections…
Total announced that Qatar Petroleum International (QPI) is now a shareholder of Total E&P Congo, holding 15% of its capital. The news follows a framework agreement that was previously signed in May. The US$1.6 billion increase of Total E&P…
Syria's news agency SANA, announced that the Syrian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources signed the 'Amrit' contract with Russia's Soyuzneftegaz on 25 Dec 2013 for offshore oil drilling, development and production in Block no. 2 of Syria's territorial waters…
Mexico’s Federal Congress has certified that 24 of the country’s 31 state legislatures have approved energy reforms that allow private companies to explore for and produce oil and gas. All state legislatures are unicameral, and in some, the decision was unanimous…
The US Department of the Interior (DOI) announced that the US-Mexico Transboundary Hydrocarbons Agreement has been enacted. The agreement establishes a framework for US oil and gas companies and Mexico’s Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) to jointly…
Gazprom Neft Shelf announced the start of oil production from the Prirazlomnoye platform in the Russian Arctic. Chief Executive Officer Alexey Miller said in a statement on December 20 that 'we have become the pioneers of Russia's Arctic development…
The US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) announced that it is soliciting proposals for oil spill response research projects and will be investing up to US$7 million to support these projects in 2014. In a Broad Agency…