Renewable Energy News

Swedes win major Danish wind farm bid

Nov 09, 2016

Sweden's Vattenfall has won the tender to build Danish Kriegers Flak, a 600 MW offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea.   Kriegers Flak will be Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm. Vattenfall’s investment in Kriegers Flak will be EUR 1…

OpenHydro supply tidal turbine to Japan

Jul 27, 2016

TIdal turbine maker OpenHydro, a DCNS company, is part of a consortium which has been selected by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment to supply a tidal turbine system for installation at Naru Strait, Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture. The consortium includes Kyuden Mirai Energy Co…

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McDermott Secures FEED Contract for Repsol’s Deepwater Fields Off Mexico

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