Norway-based ExproSoft has developed WellMaster Simulator, a cloud-based well life simulator for new and mature fields. The solution is designed to help oil and gas operators predict well interventions, downtime, and operating expenses (OPEX)…
Utility ROV Services (URS) has developed a new Mattress Recovery Tool (MRT) for the oil and gas decommissioning market. The tool has been designed to recover concrete mattresses that have been installed extensively in oil and gas fields to protect subsea piping…
GC Rieber Shipping has entered into a time charter agreement in West Africa with Marine Platforms Ltd.(MPL) for the SURF (subsea umbilicals, risers, and flowlines) vessel Polar Onyx. The vessel will perform subsea construction/SURF installation and field development for end client Chevron…
Black Sea Oil & Gas (BSOG) has awarded Xodus Group a front-end engineering and design (FEED) contract for the development of the Ana and Doina discoveries in the Black Sea. Xodus will work on the offshore and onshore facilities for the development of the Midia Gas Development Project…
Austal Ltd. has delivered its second high speed crew transfer vessel this year, to Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO). The 57.6m, all-aluminium catamaran was designed by Incat Crowther and constructed by Austal’s shipyard in the Philippines. It…
MacGregor introduced the 3D Motion Compensator (3DMC), a flexible retrofit device, which is designed to enhance the load-handling precision of an offshore crane even in challenging sea states. 'MacGregor's standard active heave-compensation (AHC)…
IKM Cleandrill has been awarded a three-year frame agreement with AkerBP for riserless closed loop mud recovery services. The initial operations under this contract will be production well drilling on the Alvheim development from the Transocean Arctic semisubmersible rig…
KBR selected and implemented Intergraph Smart 3D from Intergraph Process, Power & Marine (PP&M) to improve the execution of key projects for the design and construction of offshore platforms and large liquefied natural gas (LNG) liquefaction plants around the globe…
Sonomatic, a provider of automated ultrasonic inspection services, has developed a tool for the internal inspection of caissons. The integrity of caissons is critical to safe and efficient operation of offshore structures. As offshore facilities age…
Saipem has been awarded new contracts with an overall amount of about US$1 billion, with two major deals awarded by Saudi Aramco. In particular, the most significant are the notification of award by Saudi Aramco of two EPIC contracts (engineering…
Ecosse Subsea Systems (ESS) is investing up to US$3.7 million (£3 million) in developing a water-jetting tool, which has the potential to double trench production rates in seabed trenching operations. Image of Cowie…
Four companies have joined forces to offer a decommissioning service under one collaborative offering. Integrated DECOM, formed by DNV GL, Costain, Axis Well Technology and BMT Cordah, will offer front-end engineering and environmental…
Emerson Automation Solutions and IPRES (Integrated Petroleum Resource and Economic Service), a Norwegian provider of advanced software tools and services to the upstream oil and gas industry, have agreed to collaborate. Under the terms of the agreement…
InterMoor has added inspection and testing capabilities to its marine base at the Açu Superport in São João da Barra, northern Rio de Janeiro. The base now has a 1000-ton test bed and can perform load and breaking test for chain, wire rope…
Novenco has signed a contract with Singaporean contractor SMOP for delivery of HVAC equipment of air handling units (AHUs), fans and cooling equipment for the construction of the three platforms in the Culzean gas field in the UK sector of the North Sea…