Environmental News


Flare Gas Recovery Meets the Future

Dec 26, 2024

Flare gas recovery lies at the heart of a range of integrated, new emissions abatement technologies.The World Bank’s 2015 launch of the Zero Flaring by 2030 initiative saw flare gas recovery become a standard part of many topside production processing systems. Regulations in places like Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea fortified this voluntary commitment. Now with the industry heading towards zero-emission FPSOs…

NOC Completes Scottish Roadmap for Offshore Wind Environmental Monitoring

Feb 26, 2025

The UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC) has delivered a roadmap to guide the observation of ocean to increase the understanding of the potential impacts of expanding offshore wind developments on the marine environment.The Scoping an Offshore…

Daphne Technology, Williams win DOE Grant for MERP Efforts

Jan 16, 2025

Daphne Technology, in partnership with Williams, announced the award of a grant worth nearly $6M from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP).This project, titled the 'Daphne and Williams Methane Slip Abatement Plasma-Catalyst Scale-Up'…

BOEM ID's Environmental Measures for NY Bight Wind

Dec 02, 2024

In support of the Biden-Harris administration’s goal of deploying 30 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) today issued a Record of Decision identifying environmental measures expected…

Green Marine UK Scales Up Environmental Monitoring Services for Offshore Wind

Nov 05, 2024

Orkney-based marine services firm Green Marine UK has expanded its environmental monitoring offering for offshore wind to deliver ‘full-scope’ projects following a surge in contracts with Scotland's Marine Directorate.This follows 18-months of continuous work…

Windfarm to Serve as an Environmental Monitoring Platform

Aug 20, 2024

Salamander, a joint venture between Ørsted, Simply Blue Group and Subsea7, has partnered with two Scottish universities to investigate any potential impact of floating windfarms on marine ecosystems.The PREDICT 2.0 initiative involves deployment…

Petrobras Required to Assess Indigenous Impact of Amazon Offshore Drilling

May 09, 2024

Brazil's state-run oil firm Petrobras must do a series of studies on the impact on Indigenous groups in the Amazon area of planned offshore drilling nearby in order to analyze the project's viability, according to a federal agency and documents from government agencies…

BP's Carbon Emissions Rise for the First Time Since 2019

Mar 08, 2024

BP said on Friday its overall carbon emissions climbed in 2023 for the first time since 2019 as the company started up new oil and gas projects and increased its production levels.BP's so-called Scope 3 emissions, caused by the burning of the oil and gas produced by the company…

CO2 Capture Technology Ready for New Offshore Frontiers

Jan 02, 2024

If the industry has been capturing CO2 for decades, why all the innovation now?CO2 capture technology has been used for around a century in natural gas processing plants to separate out the commercially valuable methane. In the 1970s, that CO2 found purpose in advanced oil recovery…

Repsol Fined for Flaring and Venting Breach in the UK

Dec 13, 2023

Spanish multinational energy company Repsol has been fined in the U.K. after its platforms in the North Sea were found to be emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere without permission.The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) said the £160…

Brazil Agency to Rule if Petrobras Can Drill Near Amazon Mouth by Early 2024

Nov 22, 2023

Brazil's environment protection agency Ibama is expected to decide by early next year if state-run oil company Petrobras PETR4.SA can drill near the mouth of the Amazon River, Ibama's president Rodrigo Agostinho said on Wednesday.The area is part of Brazil's Equatorial Margin…

Mounting Evidence Shows Seismic Surveys Can Harm Marine Life

Sep 12, 2023

Woodside Energy last week announced it would start seismic testing for its Scarborough gas project off Australia’s west coast, before reversing the decision in the face of a legal challenge from Traditional Owners.Seismic testing is highly controversial in marine environments…

BOEM Completes Environmental Review of Gulf of Mexico Wind Lease Areas

May 30, 2023

The United States' Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) on Tuesday issued a final environmental assessment (EA) on potential impacts from offshore wind leasing on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico, marking another step…

Wind Turbines Can Breathe New Life into Warming Seas

Mar 15, 2022

Offshore wind is set to move further and further from shore, as demand for renewable energy grows and new floating turbine technology makes deep-water expansion possible. However, for the first time, large areas of the UK continental shelf now open for development are “seasonally stratified”…

Decommissioning: Corals on Oil Platforms Could Kick-start the Deep-sea Ecosystem

Mar 10, 2022

In the late 1990s, the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa was first reported growing on the legs of oil platforms in the northern North Sea. As these platforms reach the end of their operational lives, many are being decommissioned and brought ashore…

Current News

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OWGP Boosts Five Offshore Wind Manufacturers with $1.8M

OWGP Boosts Five Offshore Wind

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