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Polk picked for RWE’s UK branch

Dec 05, 2013

Hans-Joachim Polk took over as managing director for Hamburg-based RWE Dea AG’s UK subsidiary in August. Polk, a 22-year veteran of the German exploration company, began his career in 1991 as a production operations engineer. He eventually…

Subsea Piling services

Dec 05, 2013

Conductor Installation Services Ltd (CIS), an Acteon company, launched a new service line: Subsea Piling services, which coincides with CIS’s new Subsea Piling system, a remotely operated system that the company developed to drive piles as large as 36in diameter…

Frosty prospects

Dec 04, 2013

Plans for arctic exploration and development continue apace—but will there be resources available? Elaine Maslin reports. The size of the arctic offshore challenge is significant, both in scale and complexity, with relatively little activity carried out to date…

Self-installing buoyant tower offers production solution

Dec 03, 2013

GMC Inc.’s Clyde Crochet discusses a self-installing tower, currently deployed off Peru, which offers a new substructure solution compared to conventional jackets/piles. The buoyant tower concept represents an innovative bridging design…

Schlumberger introduces multiphase flowmeter

Nov 26, 2013

Schlumberger released the Vx Spectra surface multiphase flowmeter. The new multiphase flowmeter enables operators to obtain flow rate measurements in production testing and permanent monitoring. “A precise production allocation requires…

UK licensing round success

Nov 29, 2013

The UK's Government has awarded a further 52 North Sea oil and gas exploration licenses, bringing the total number of awards offered in the 27th Round to 219. The figure represents a record, with the number of smaller independent companies being offered awards also representing a high level…

Cairn India plans buyback

Nov 26, 2013

Cairn India Ltd. today announced that its board of directors approved a proposal for the buyback of equity shares of the company from its existing shareholders. The buyback would be done from the open market through the stock exchanges…

Students present energy papers

Nov 25, 2013

The Aberdeen branch of the UK's Energy Institute will meet tomorrow night [Tuesday 26] to hear presentation on research carried out by energy students from the University of Aberdeen and Robert Gordon University. Six students, three from each university…

Offshore wind projects stall

Nov 26, 2013

More offshore wind projects could be scrapped in the UK, an official has warned, after it was announced that technical challenges had brought a halt to a 1200 MW project in the UK’s Bristol Channel.  RWE Innogy said its planned Atlantic…

NOV 60th Annual Rig Census

Nov 20, 2013

60th Annual Census: North American rig fleet gains while activity level drops. In the U.S. and Canada, additions to fleets increased availability, while activity decreased. The global offshore mobile fleet posted another modest gain, with 42 newbuilds entering service in the last year…

Rethinking Chevron's Rosebank

Nov 22, 2013

Chevron and its partners on the multi-billion dollar Rosebank development in the UK North Sea have revealed they are going back to the drawing board on the project. Partner OMV said, at its annual media summit today in Vienna, that it had “been vocal” to Chevron…

Saipem opens Edmonton yard

Nov 19, 2013

Saipem has opened its new Edmonton indoor fabrication yard in Alberta, Canada. The new facility will allow Saipem to accelerate project delivery by maintaining workforce activity and a safe working environment during bad weather. The yard is northeast of Edmonton…

Walk to walk JIP launched

Nov 19, 2013

DNV GL has launched a joint industry project (JIP) to provide guidance on an alternative means of personnel transfer onto offshore installations. The Walk to Work (W2W) approach, where offshore installations are manned from a ship via gangway…

Sharing intervention lessons

Nov 08, 2013

A group of operators in the North Sea is taking a joint approach to barrel chasing through well intervention. Could other regions do the same? In many cases, total annual production associated with well intervention operations exceeds annual production from new wells drilled in the same year…

Atlantis buys MeyGen

Nov 14, 2013

International tidal technology and project developer Atlantis Resources Limited bought MeyGen, Europe’s largest tidal power project.   Atlantis already held 10% of the company developing the project, MeyGen Limited. It has now bought…

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Nexans to Link Orkney Islands with UK Mainland via 220MW Interconnector

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