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The state of independents

Apr 01, 2012

The crucial role played by the independents in the energy mix and the slightly precarious position in which they find themselves was highlighted by Talisman Energy president and CEO John Manzoni at the Energy Institute's recent three-day gathering in London…

The sun sets on a shady policy

Mar 03, 2012

It was supposed to be the renewable ‘green jobs success story’ to be emulated by the United States. President Barack Obama pilloried skeptical Americans with it on several occasions way before he took office. Obama may be the loudest but he is not the only megaphone social engineer politician…

The sun sets on a shady policy

Mar 01, 2012

It was supposed to be the renewable ‘green jobs success story’ to be emulated by the United States. President Barack Obama pilloried skeptical Americans with it on several occasions way before he took office. Obama may be the loudest but he is not the only megaphone social engineer politician…

UK offshore spend remains robust

Feb 01, 2012

Building on a record high set in 2011, upstream oil & gas spending in the UK will continue at robust levels in 2012 and beyond, according to research consulting company Wood Mackenzie. In the firm’s annual analysis of the previous year’s UK upstream spending and outlook for the coming months…

Firms & Faces November 2011

Nov 01, 2011

FirmsGreatship Subsea Solutions and Gregg Marine formed an alliance to offer subsea geotechnical site investigation services globally. The venture plans to offer a DP2 geotechnical drillship with a seafloor drill capable of coring and sampling in 3000m water depth…

Making a better case for safety

Oct 01, 2011

The focus on safety within the offshore oil & gas industry has never been clearer. Two of Rowan's safety specialists took time to discuss with Jennifer Pallanich the company's work on the safety case for the Rowan Mississippi while the jackup was in the Sabine Pass…

European gas: running on empty?

Oct 01, 2011

The big news coming out of Europe is that it is running out of money, but is Europe also running out of gas? Infield Systems' Peter Kiernan(left) and Dr Roger Knight discuss the future of Europe's gas supply in the light of the growing need to secure energy from Russia and the Middle East…

Dong clears the decks for Siri redevelopment

Oct 01, 2011

Siri field operator Dong Energy is now forging ahead with a DK r2 billion ($384 million) permanent repair programme that virtually constitutes a redevelopment of the Danish North Sea field in 60m of water. Meg Chesshyretalks to Dong's executive vice president E&P Søren Gath Hansen…

Fluid thinking

Sep 01, 2011

With Canadian environmental regulators tightening their monitoring and control of fluids used offshore, Castrol's Jason Vallier and K+D Pratt's Andrew Bell review existing guidelines elsewhere and the implications for Canada's E&P sector.The…

Reskilling to close the gap

Sep 01, 2011

Two Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) initiatives have been launched in the UK for offshore companies looking to address the skills gap through the reskilling of adult trainees. The first 16 learners recently completed their training…

Oil & gas activity North West European Continental Shelf

Sep 01, 2011

OE's popular annual guide to oil & gas developments on the Northwest European Continental Shelf returns, fully updated.Operators in the UK sector of the North Sea were taken aback in March this year by UK Chancellor George Osborne's decision to raise the supplementary tax rate from 20% to 32%…

Firms & Faces - OE September 2011

Sep 01, 2011

Australian contractor Clough is selling its offshore marine construction business to Malaysia's SapuraCrest Petroleum in a cash deal worth roughly $129 million. The sale includes the Java Constructor derrick lay barge, Clough's interest in the…

Playground of the western world

Sep 01, 2011

Mindful of Offshore Europe in Aberdeen this month, Andrew McBarnet explains why seismic companies keep coming back to the mainly mature offshore hydrocarbon province of northwest Europe.It's not the most elegant of sayings but 'there's life…

Steady as she goes

Sep 01, 2011

The steady workload situation at Schiedam-based HSM Offshore continues to be the envy of many North Sea fabricators. Business was good when OE last visited the yard a year ago; it’s got even better since, as David Morgan reports.Back in the summer of 2010 Total’s K5-CU platform (850t topsides…

Prospects and pitfalls

Aug 01, 2011

Time is running short for a collaborative and cost-efficient approach to decommissioning, believes Optimus consultant Stuart Heggie.Perhaps understandably, governments and operators have put off decommissioning as much as possible. However,…

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