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SeaGen delivers

Feb 16, 2010

The technical director and co-founder of Marine Current Turbines (MCT), the Bristol-based company that designed and developed the world’s only commercial scale tidal stream turbine – SeaGen – reports that it is now running at full power and fully automatically…

Circling around Arctic prospects

Feb 09, 2010

Offshore Arctic seismic exploration is not getting quite such a cold reception these days. Andrew McBarnet explains why.Frozen assets take on a whole new meaning when it comes to considering the purportedly huge oil and gas reserves in the Arctic Ocean region…

Why West is best hope for UKCS rebound

Jan 05, 2010

Why has the inhospitable West of Shetland region consistently bucked the trend of enhanced conservatism felt throughout the wider offshore market? And what is driving this activity? Infield Systems' Luke Davis, Gregory Brown and Dr Roger Knight…

Europe still key subsea area

Jan 05, 2010

Over 300 energy leaders debated the challenges of a sustainable future for the North Sea and explored the potential development of the subsea market over the next 10 years at November's Subsea Europe conference in London. Meg Chesshyre reports…

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