Offshore Europe News - page 838


E&P minnows making their mark upstream

Jan 02, 2011

The Oil Council's recent World Energy Capital assembly in London shone a light on the new generation of smaller companies from disparate backgrounds now beginning to make their presence felt on the international exploration and production stage…

Homing in on UKCS prospects

Dec 31, 2010

Things are stirring on the UK continental shelf if the attendance at last month’s Pilot Share Fair in Aberdeen is anything to go by. More than 1000 people, including Meg Chesshyre, turned out to hear from major operators and contractors about their strategies for future North Sea projects…

Forties field: an updatable full field model

Dec 31, 2010

The overhaul of the reservoir model of the giant Forties oilfield – from data management to full field simulation – is described here by operator Apache North Sea’s Jeffery Pyle and Schlumberger’s Gordy Shanor.Production from the Forties field began in 1975…

Asgard's case for subsea gas compression

Dec 31, 2010

With a Norwegian sector breakthrough in the area of subsea gas compression very much on the cards for the next year or two, Statoil last month reaffirmed the case for compression in the Åsgard area while one the key vendors targeting this technology…

Containment capability in the cross-hairs

Dec 31, 2010

Post-Macondo efforts to improve well containment capabilities on both sides of the Atlantic moved into higher gear last month.In the US it was confirmed that Technip will handle front- end engineering and design of a proposed subsea well containment…

Water jetting at the cutting edge

Dec 31, 2010

Water jetting is now a well-established subsea approach and the technology has evolved significantly in the 30 years since the first mass-flow excavation (MFE) tool reached the market. David Morgan looks at the latest such development: the Marin Group Evo Claycutting system…

Tidying up on Trym

Nov 01, 2010

Aker Solutions has started a six-month integrated operations pilot with Danish operator Dong on the Trym field, an industry briefing in London heard recently. Meg Chesshyre reviews the status of this and other developments on the Aker technology horizon…

Rising to the subsea challenge

Nov 01, 2010

With the increased complexity of today’s subsea production systems giving mooring solutions providers much to think about, Viking Moorings chief executive Wolfgang Wandl discusses how his company is rising to the challenge.The global mooring…

Ocean energy prototypes proliferate

Nov 01, 2010

The ocean energy industry is still at a nascent stage, but burgeoning support in a few key markets, diverse resource potential and maturing technology are boosting the industry’s prospects for growth. That’s the verdict of a new IHS emerging energy research market study…

Networking news

Nov 01, 2010

There were echoes of the UK’s Dragon’s Den and its US reality TV brethren Shark Tank when the great and the good of the private equity world gathered in Aberdeen last month to sample the wares of would-be oil & gas sector high fliers.The occasion…

Crunching the numbers

Nov 01, 2010

Current projections indicate around £27 billion will be spent on UK offshore decommissioning over the next 40 years, of which £9.2 billion will be spent over this next decade, according to a 2010 Decommissioning Insight brochure presented at the conference by Robert Harris-Deans…

Greenland drilling ends for 2010

Oct 26, 2010

Cairn Energy has wrapped up its 2010 exploration drilling campaign offshore Greenland and released both the Stena Forth and Stena Don rigs, the company said 26 October 2010.Cairn suspended the Alpha-1S1 exploration well to allow possible re-entry to sidetrack or deepen the well at a later date…

Seven up already for LoFS

Oct 26, 2010

A recent contract renewal for the small UK-based company WGP Group and its partner Thalassa Energy Services is a reminder that the first life of field seismic (LoFS) project on BP's Valhall field offshore Norway has been ongoing since 2003.…

Renewables - OE October 2010

Oct 26, 2010

HYWIND’S HIDDEN ASSETS: Syntactic foam specialist Trelleborg Offshore recently released details of how it employed well-proven offshore oil & gas technology in the subsea buoyancy arrangements for the world’s first wind turbine ‘floater’,…

North West European Continental Shelf - oil & gas activity

Sep 02, 2010

The effect of the continuing credit crunch last summer meant that North Sea field development activity was down last year, but the steadying of the price this spring has led to projects being dusted off in both the UK and the Norwegian sectors…

Current News

Belgian and Greek Contractors Sign UK’s HVDC Interconnections Deal

Belgian and Greek Contractors

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Buzzing with Construction Activity

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Buzzi

RWE Signs PPA to Power Data Center Hub with Offshore Wind Energy

RWE Signs PPA to Power Data Ce

Aker BP Gets All Clear for Drilling Ops Off Norway

Aker BP Gets All Clear for Dri

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