Offshore Europe News - page 839


Questions construct a cordon sanitaire

Sep 01, 2010

Finally, some sanity has surfaced in Europe on the subject of climate change and it is from a real scientific heavyweight to boot. Rarely have I found a book* so elegantly simple and yet compelling. Christian Gerondeau, a very well known French scientist and engineer…

Marine renewables - OE September 2010

Sep 01, 2010

Cape Wind clears another hurdleAnother challenge to its long-delayed quest to become the US’s first offshore wind farm was successfully fought off by Cape Wind as federal regulators in August upheld an earlier decision that said the project posed no threat to airways…

Independents fight bond villain in gulf of uncertainty

Sep 01, 2010

The six-month US moratorium on deepwater drilling following the Deepwater Horizon tragedy, along with tougher regulations and higher liability costs likely to follow, could put the squeeze on independent operators in the Gulf of Mexico. Russell McCulley talks to one company that's pushing back…

Operating helicopters to moving helidecks

Sep 01, 2010

For more than 20 years, the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority has led various initiatives to reduce the risks to helicopters operating to moving platforms in the North Sea. Dr Athena Scaperdas and Dr Paul Gallagher of Atkins describe one such project which looks at helicopter on-deck safety…

Rig market - August 2010

Aug 09, 2010

OE 's analysis of current rig market data is updated monthly using statistics provided by Rigzone.comWorldwide utilization for the mobile offshore drilling fleet is tracking at 76%, near the top of a 74%-76% band that it has traversed over the past 11 months…

Bucking the trend

Aug 09, 2010

The last couple of years have seen fairly lean pickings for offshore fabricators in the Netherlands and on the UK east coast. But for one Dutch yard, paradoxically, things could scarcely have gone better.HSM in Schiedam, already sitting on a…

Offshore pipelines: a quantum leap in integrity management

Aug 09, 2010

Continuous registration of vessel traffic above pipelines via the proposed Automatic Identification System (AIS) represents a significant improvement on pipeline operators' emergency response to possible mechanical damage, says Jens Erik Thygesen…

Ready for the upturn

Aug 09, 2010

Nieuw-Lekkerland-headquartered Bayards, a key player in the offshore aluminium industry, is seeing early signs that the recession's grip on major oil & gas projects may at last be loosening.‘The market is coming back,' reports the company's commercial director Dick de Kluijver…

SeaGen going under

Aug 09, 2010

Wave and tidal energy specialist Marine Current Turbines and its project partners Queen's University Belfast, Mojo Maritime and Edinburgh University, have secured a grant of £250,000 from the UK's Technology Strategy Board and the Engineering…

Pinpoint positioning

Aug 09, 2010

Five Ashtech ProFlex 500 GNSS receivers are helping guide the operations of the self-propelled offshore wind turbine installation vessel Bard Wind Lift I during construction of the first commercial wind farm in the German North Sea. The GNSS receivers are used for the jackup's every manoeuvre…

Strength in depth

Aug 09, 2010

Following a recent flurry of new contracts, Marine Subsea UK is currently carrying out a multi-client well abandonment programme for a number of North Sea operators. Managing director Alasdair Cowie talks to  Meg Chesshyre about how he sees the multiclient approach as the way forward…

Opening the window

Aug 09, 2010

Weather is a major factor when planning offshore drilling campaigns. Asbjørn Stålesen of FMC Technologies says the company's Real Time Operating Limits system has allowed it to increase the time available for carrying out drilling work.The biggest…

Arctic aspirations

Aug 09, 2010

With a major Russian Arctic contract already in the bag for next year, the Tideway Group is looking at early payback on its €115 million investment in the industry's first ice-class fallpipe rockdump vessel.Dubbed Flintstone, the DP2 vessel…

. . . as Wave Hub gets wet

Aug 09, 2010

Subsea installation of the world's largest test facility for wave energy technology was imminent as OE went to press, with the loading of the UK South West Regional Development Agency's pioneering Wave Hub and its 25km power cable onto a cable…

Heading for higher ground

Aug 09, 2010

Having enjoyed the occasional taste of EPC responsibility in recent years, Van Oord Offshore is looking for much more of the same. Although perhaps best known for its rock installation muscle as a subcontractor to the likes of Saipem and Allseas…

Current News

Belgian and Greek Contractors Sign UK’s HVDC Interconnections Deal

Belgian and Greek Contractors

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Buzzing with Construction Activity

Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Buzzi

RWE Signs PPA to Power Data Center Hub with Offshore Wind Energy

RWE Signs PPA to Power Data Ce

Aker BP Gets All Clear for Drilling Ops Off Norway

Aker BP Gets All Clear for Dri

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