Newly formed Circle Group has acquired Stavanger WellPartner, an equipment and services company servicing the Norwegian subsea, completion and intervention markets. The deal is Circle Group’s first acquisition and the foundation for the Well Service division…
Offshore systems supplier MacArtney UK has announced the acquisition of Ellon-based Callidus Subsea. The acquisition supports MacArtney UK’s targets to become a market leader in the design and production of cable assemblies and moldings…
Technip has won a lump sum contract with Statoil for the Gullfaks Rimfaksdalen (GRD) marine operations pipelay and subsea installation project. The project is an option to the Snøhvit CO2 Solution project awarded in 2013. The GRD project…
The North West Shelf (NWS) Project partners, led by Woodside Energy, have approved the A$1.2 billion subsea Persephone project, off the north-west coast of Australia. Persephone is the third major gas development for the NWS Project in the past six years…
Service company Royal Niger Emerging Technologies has awarded JDR a fast-track contract supporting the West African Abo project for the manufacture of a 1.55km hybrid steel tube and thermoplastic umbilical. The umbilical, designed to…
Oceaneering International has entered into a two-year charter for use of the Island Pride, a multi-service subsea support vessel owned by Island Offshore Shipping International. The vessel is expected to be available for work in the US Gulf of Mexico (GOM) in early January 2015…
Brian Wynne has been named president and CEO of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), succeeding the retiring Michael Toscano on 12 January 2015. Incoming AUVSI CEO & President…
Royal Niger Emerging Technologies awarded JDR Cable Systems Ltd. a contract to manufacture a 1.55km hybrid of steel tube and thermoplastic umbilical support for the West African Abo project. JDR's steel umbilical…
Subsea 7 has been awarded a US$50-100 million contract by Royal Dutch Shell (Shell) for installation work in the Gulf of Mexico. The scope of work involves the installation of 27 mi. of 8 in. flowlines and steel catenary risers (SCRs)…
Technip has been awarded a contract for the ongoing development of the Iracema North field, in the Santos Basin pre-salt area, Brazil. The contract, awarded by Tupi BV, a consortium controlled by Petrobras Netherland BV (PNBV, 65%), with partners BG (25%) and Galp (10%)…
French seismic and data processing firm CGG has rebuffed a takeover by fellow-French engineering and project management firm Technip. Technip said it made the approach on Monday 10 November. The move, says Technip, would create a…
Technip is to name its latest newbuild dive support vessel (DSV), currently being built by Vard, the Deep Explorer. The high-specification, DP3 vessel will feature a 24-man saturated dive system, large deck area, moonpool, work-class ROVs…
Macro Sensors introduces a line of submersible linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) position sensors for use as part of subsea measurement systems. The SSIR 937 Series Submersible LVDT. From Macro Sensors…
Tullow Oil is to “significantly reduce” its 2015 exploration spend and focus on its West African producing assets, including the TEN development project, amid falling oil prices. The move will see Tullow’s investment focus on West Africa…
Ormen Lange field operator Norske Shell has completed its latest appraisal well, 6305/8-2, on the field. The well encountered a 28m gas column with an underlying water zone in the “Egga reservoir unit” with very good reservoir quality…